20-22 Oct 2023
International Scientific Conference, “ONCOPhD”
– at the Medical University of Lublin in hybrid form
Conference in which doctoral students and young scientists representing academic centers from all over the world will have the opportunity to present their research results and exchange their own experiences in the field of clinical as well as experimental oncology. The conference aims to integrate primary research with the challenges of everyday clinical practice regarding the diagnosis and treatment of oncology in adults and children.
23-24 Oct 2023
4th Poznań Conference – Modern pharmaceutical and biomedical analytics in health care
The conference´s subject matter will concern new trends in bioanalysis, pharmaceutical and clinical analytics, and the analysis of raw materials of natural origin.

COR1 – Interprofessional education

We plan to strengthen not only communication skills of PhD students cooperating within various medical disciplines but also develop skills for communication between scientists, which are specialists in specific fields and non-scientists – society. A special topic will be related to cross-directional activities in the fight against COVID.

COR2 – Proteomics and metabolomics in clinical research

will cover all aspects related to integration, interrogation, and visualization of omics data to ensure the understanding of the real biological meaning of the collected datasets.


To add a new conference for PhD Students to this list, please send an information to:
assoc. prof. Michał Karlik
mkarlik ( at ) ump.edu.pl